If You Dispute the Amount Owed Contact the agency listed in the offset notice to dispute the amount you owe.
If you have paid off your debt or you don't owe the debt, the agency that's collecting the debt is responsible for informing BFS to stop the offset or to refund amounts improperly offset.
You should call the IRS only if the BFS letter states an amount different than from the refund scx10 ii shocks amount shown on your tax return.
If You Filed a Joint Return and Your Spouse's Separate Debt Caused the Offset You can claim an injured spouse allocation to receive your share of the joint tax refund.
You can file Form 8379 along with your tax return or submit it after the IRS process your tax return.
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(14) When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, If you look at all this verses, you might come to the conclusion that it had never rained on the earth when God told Noah that he would bring a flood by having it rain 40 days and 40 nights, to which Noah said "What's rain.
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