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Example 3 When the fractions contain algebraic expressions, it is necessary to factor wherever possible and divide out common factors before multiplying. 25 in 25 Volunteer Spotlight: Claire Johnson SaenzOpioid Withdrawal Differs by Opioid TypeVisit BlogEVENTS:2019 SMART Recovery National ConferenceSMART Recovery REGIONAL Conference: SMART in Action. Solution First, we must factor the numerators and denominators to get Now, dividing out common factors yields We now multiply the remaining factors of epochair remote control car the numerators and denominators to obtain Note that when writing fractional answers, we will multiply out the numerator and leave the denominator in factored form. Our methods are based on the tools of SMART Recovery and CRAFT Therapy (Community Reinforcement & Family Training). QUOTIENTS OF FRACTIONS In dividing one fraction by another, we look for a number that, when multiplied by the divisor, yields the dividend.

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