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\ \ \} \right _{ L}^L\\ & \frac{1}{L}\left \frac{{2L{{\left( { 1} \right)}^n}}}{{n\pi }}\hspace{0.
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25in}n 1,2,3, \ldots \end{align*}\] Note that in this case we had \({A_0} \ne 0\) and \({A_n} 0,\,\,n 1,2,3, \ldots \) This will happen on occasion so don't get excited about this kind of thing when it happens.
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cannonCanon (1) a code of laws, (2) an established principle, (3) a group of exemplary literary works, and (4) the works of a writer that are accepted as authentic.
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The counterpart of judgment (as in 'against one's better judgment') is defined in rc mustang terms of being 'contrary to what one feels to be wise or sensible' ( New Oxford dictionary of English 2001 : 989) and 'contrary to a more appropriate or preferred course of action' ( Collins Australian dictionary 2011 : 888).
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This sample is from the Beaverdell mining area (also called a mining camp because of the numerous mineral deposits there) about 25 km east of Penticton.
The area is known for its rich silver veins, which alongside silver also contain galena, seen here, and sphalerite, an important zinc ore mineral.
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